A dream is an imaginary event seen in the mind when asleep.Dream is also a hope or a wish.Dream is also what you define it with.

If you are not living,you are dreaming.The things we wish to have and we have not got them,are in our dreams.Dream is a power to have what you do not have,to own what you do not own.

Dream keeps one focused.Students are advised  to have dreams so that they can put effort in their studies.Those who get A's in K.C.S.E are the ones who dreamt of A's.If you want to achieve something you have got to dream about it.I  have dreams of becoming the best person born of my dad and mum.I dream of impacting something helpful in lives of many.I dream of making the best use of my life serving God and humanity.I have dreams and I know that they are valid and will one day become reality.What dreams do you have?

It is not enough to  have dreams only.Dream and make road towards them.If you dream of having a lot of  money,you have got to engage in money earning activities.If your dream is becoming a  surgeon,read biology like it is oxygen.

Live your life like your dreams.A future pastor starts by walking like a pastor, talking like one.A future politician is seen at an early age.He behaves just  like politicians do.Live your like like your dreams.

Dream of what you want,not just for the sake.Dream not everything.Dream what you want in future.Dream and be consistent. Do not dream today of becoming a pilot and tomorrow your dream is becoming a tour guide.

The last thing I will say is this.Mind your dreams.Not everybody around you will like how you dream.They will discourage you.They will mock you.They will harass you just because they think you do not know how to dream.Do not mind them.Do not go about telling out your future plans. Not all of your friends will like your  dreams.Some will blow off the candles you lit in your life.Learn who you share your life plans with.Most important though is,have dreams.They form the compass to your life path.....


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